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Avenue de l'Eglise-Anglaise 1 1006 Lausanne

Children’s Sunday Club

Where? Christ Church

Av de l’Eglise Anglaise 1, 1006 Lausanne

When? Sunday mornings throughout the school year

Sunday Club and All-age Family services are included on our monthly Services Schedule.

What time? 10:30 – 11:15 am

During morning worship

Who? Children 4 years and older 

Younger children are welcome when accompanied by a parent or guardian. Parents or guardians can, if possible, fill out the Sunday Club Safeguarding form ahead of time or this can also be done in church.


A programme of stories, prayers, crafts, songs, and other activities based on the scripture readings for the given day or occasion.

Aims of the Sunday Club

Our Sunday Club programme aims to teach children the message of God’s love and grace, offered in Christ Jesus, and to promote their spiritual growth in a friendly and welcoming environment.

Organization of the Sunday Club

There is one Sunday Club group which includes children of all ages. On the Sundays that the Club is scheduled to meet, the children assemble before the service in the Children’s Area, where they are greeted by the Sunday Club teachers and helpers. At the start of the service, 10:30 am, they go to the Sunday Club room.

During this time, the children participate in stories, prayers, crafts, songs, and other activities based on the scripture readings for the given day or occasion.

The children return by 11:15 am, in time to join their parents at the communion rail for a blessing. If your child normally receives communion, please let the chaplain know before the start of the service.

The Children’s Area

The Children’s Area is located at the back of the church. It contains activities, colouring pages, books, and puzzles that children can use before and after the Sunday Club gatherings, as well as during other services.

Caring for our Sunday Club Children

Christ Church implements the Diocesan Safeguarding policies in all matters relating to children and young people. These policies include the requirements of local legislation with more information on this topic included on our Safeguarding page. 

Before your child attends his or her first Sunday Club gathering, please fill in the Sunday Club Safeguarding Form and give it to a Sunday Club teacher or helper. 

Sunday Club Teachers and Helpers

The Sunday Club teachers and helpers are volunteers from the church community. Many also have children who participate in the Sunday Club.

We always appreciate having more Sunday Club teachers and helpers. If you would like to consider becoming involved, please contact the Sunday Club coordinators at

Communion before Confirmation

Children aged 8 or older who attend regularly with their parents may prepare to receive communion before their confirmation.

For more information, please contact Lay Minister/Reader Angela Fall at

Information available to download and print

Sunday Club Safeguarding Form

Upcoming Services Schedule (includes Children’s Sunday Club and All-age Family services)